Thursday, September 29, 2005
Yay!!! So happy.....
Hehehhe...going back to Melaka for the weekend!! Will be taking the eleven pm bus tonight. Hmmm... going to be abit wet though getting to the bus station. It's raining cats and dogs here. Still it doesn't dampens my mood. Of course lar going back home wor... Hehehhe... get to eat mom's cooking, watch movie and lunch or dinner with hometown friends, shopping ... hehehhe and the list goes on and on... Kekekekke.... hurray! hahaha...going nuts liao.. too stressed out here so go back home to relax. BUT... still bringing some hw back cause i'm only coming back to Penang on Sunday night..means reach there Monday morning. And my hw which is my report is due on Tuesday. Hmm... nuthing to blog about anymore. Want to take shower and wash my clothes now. Got to get ready cause going to the station early. Scared can't catch bus. Better early than late. Bought a magazine juz now so I can browse through later at the bus station while waiting for the bus. Aurevoir! =) *grinz~
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Busy Week!
This is a busy week for me. On Monday, I had a test in the morning. Then, I was busy doing report from afternoon til evening. Tuesday is even more hectic. Had plant anatomy practical from 10 am til 1 pm. Then in the afternoon I searched for plant anatomy pics on the net for the report. At five pm went for weed science lecture and also the night class at 8.15pm on plant anatomy. After the class, I printed the pictures that I found on the net and also from the lecturer’s collection for the practical report. Phew! This morning went to collect my new matrix card at DPA( Dewan Pelajar A ~ Exam Hall ) before going to the language centre for French class. We did some spelling and pronouncing activities . Kinda fun.!12 pm came back to apartment, had lunch and went on with my chores. After that, sat down and stitched dried plants to drawing block cause need to do identification at the herbarium lab. Gruesome and back-aching task; not to mention the report which I have to do for this subject. Went to the herbarium lab and did the plant ( weeds actually) identification from 3-5pm. Then attended plant kingdom lecture from 5-6pm before going back home to have dinner and relaxed for awhile. Took a bath and washed my clothes. Searched for books on fruits and vegetable morphology and uses, using the university’s library search system for my practical report on fruits before writing this blog. In short, I have 3 reports to do. Two due next week which is the report on fruits and weeds while plant anatomy report is due the following week. Sigh! My pile of work is always increasing. Hmmm….. tomorrow morning I’ll still be going to the herbarium lab to finish up the plant identification before going to the library to browse through the books which I’ve searched just now from the varsity’s library search system . The good news is that I’m going back Melaka for the weekend tomorrow night. Yahooo! Really missed home a lot. Heheheheh….. Anyways, before I log off to do my work, the pictures below are my matrix card. Guess which one is the new matrix card? Hehehe…. Cheerios! Aurevoir!!! =)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Chaud et Pluvieux Mecredi!
The weather today is hot the whole morning, rainy in the afternoon and humid in the evening! Weird and unexpected… Well, this morning went to take picture for the new matrix card. Compulsory for everyone except the juniors as they are using the new matrix card already. Why change a new one when the old one can use? I’m not sure either. Only heard rumours that they are going to set an automatic scanning post at the campus gate that requires identification in the matrix card from students or staffs before entering the university compound. Zut difficile! Luckily the people who are in charge of processing the new matrix card are very efficient and the whole process only took ten minutes. After that, I went for my French class at the language centre. In today’s class we were divided in groups of three or four and were given a situation. We were assign to do a dialogue between two friends on the telephone where one will invite the other for an outing or other activities and then the second is to introduce another foreign friend who is visiting Malaysia and being brought along to the outing. It wasn’t easy to figure out what to say but it was kinda fun.. hehehhe.. Anyways, I went back to the apartment and had my lunch before attending to my chores. Mecredi is my duty day. So, I boiled water, threw the rubbish and swept the floor. As I was sweeping my room halfway, one room mate came in and said that she wanted to sweep the room today too as it was dusty and hairs were all over the place but I was already doing the task. So, she mopped the floor instead while I went on to do my practical report drawings. This time the drawings are on fruits and vegetables. Hahha… better than drawing flowers as they are much easier to draw. Then it started to rain heavily for awhile and it was so nice and cooling….enticing me to sleep. Hahaha… I didn’t sleep though, instead I went to take a shower before going to my faculty to attend lecture. I went there early cause I needed to go to the computer lab to save an practical assignment module into diskette. Went for lecture after that and when it finished my stomach was already growling, so hurried back to buy chup fan and ate it while watching the six o’clock Chinese show. After the show ended, I went to my room and here I am blogging while listening to music and doing my practical report drawings! Alors, je dois continuer mon travail me cause maintenant plus tard veuxĂ©tudier pour un essai qui a lieu le prochain Lundi. A bientot!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Mooncake Festival Bbq!
Yuppie…..! Finished a test this morning. Phew! Felt so relieved after slogging and burning midnight oil for the past week. Then again can’t be too happy yet. I still have a pile of practical reports to do and to be handed up on Tuesday. Waaa…..sigh. Oh well, have to look at the bright side of things. Hehehhe…. Looking forward to tonight’s barbeque. My housemates decided to have bbq today to celebrate the moon cake festival.. yay!! Hopefully the rain doesn’t goes on til evening. It was so nice to sleep after coming back from the exam hall as it was raining heavily. Hmm.. I wonder how many ppl are coming for tonight’s bbq. Each of us are suppose to invite two person to the bbq but only one of my friend whom I invited will be coming. The other one said she has some activities going on and might not make it. Then my course-cum-housemate is going out with her “friend”. So, just it is just my friend and me only with my housemates and their friends. Hmmm…hopefully it will lots of fun. Anyways, I wanna get back to my report so I can enjoy myself tonight and not worry about it. Happy Mooncake Festival!!!Adios!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I'm too tired to blog alot today. Was outdoor the whole day again until six pm. Came back and cooked maggi mee for dinner. Kinda low on money so had to eat maggi mee. After dinner, i went on with my chores as it was my duty today. Threw the rubish, washed the sink, cleaned the stove cause no one bothers to do it even though it is already so oily...arrghhh... boiled water and swept the floor.
Then I swept and mopped my room which i shared with three room mates, cleaned my table fan and washed the toilet before taking my shower and washing my clothes. So, you see I'm really exhausted and want to sleep but obligation towards studies can't be ignored...oh well... time to study now... cya! Aurevoir!
Then I swept and mopped my room which i shared with three room mates, cleaned my table fan and washed the toilet before taking my shower and washing my clothes. So, you see I'm really exhausted and want to sleep but obligation towards studies can't be ignored...oh well... time to study now... cya! Aurevoir!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Outdoor the whole day.
Busy would be the best word to describe how my day was…. I was up at six thirty in the morning and had to rush through breakfast just to make it on time for my French class. The class was held at the language centre which was located uphill and it took me about fifteen minutes of brisk walking to reach there. Yhessh! Actually I have two French lessons per week. One on Monday afternoon and the other on Wednesday morning. The new French teacher was busy on Monday so she cancelled that day’s class and asked us to fit into another group’s session either on Tuesday morning or Friday afternoon. The Wednesday class was still on as usual. Sigh! Very tiresome as our group was already very far behind from the other group cause we had few classes cancelled. I had to split my two hour class to two one hour class as I’m only free for one hour on those two days. So, I went for today’s class from 8 -9 am and then walked downhill to attend another lecture which is at the library building. Was late for a few minutes for the lecture cause the walk from the language centre to the library building was quite a distance. After the lecture, I went for my practical at my school faculty. The practical was tedious as expected as it involves looking at slides of plant anatomy through microscope and drawing the structure. The due date for this practical report is two weeks time. After two hours and half hours of looking through slides for one of my group member to draw the structure, we finally pack our things and went for lunch. After lunch, I went to scout for an empty lecture hall to use for studying. Did not go back to apartment as I had another class at five pm. However, there were no empty lecture halls available and I had to sit outside. So, I sat there looking at my French book, trying to translate the exercises (from French to English ) that we were suppose to do had our classes not been cancelled. Well, have to try catching up with the other group because I was at loss when I join their class today. Even though my French teacher said “ Ecoutez et repetez;…”, I was still kind of blurr… Arrghhh…. After doing the translating for awhile, I felt kind of sleepy but there were so many people passing by where I was sitting. So, I head to the library’s audio room and slept in there while listening to music for about an hour. After that, I went to the nearby cafĂ© to get something to munch before heading for my five o’clock class. My course mate, Rachel was already there as she went there straight after her Korean class. So, I chatted with her for awhile while waiting for the other students to fill the lecture hall. It was the second lecturer’s turn to teach. She is ok but she kept faltering while talking. When the lecture ended at six pm just now, I was really exhausted. Went to have dinner with my other course mate cum housemate and then back to apartment. Washed my clothes and took my shower before sitting down and typing this blog. Very tired now but I still have to study so I’ll stop here. Want to study and then go to bed. Aurevoir!
Monday, September 12, 2005
One down another to go.
Yup, the report on plant anatomy that I’ve been blogging about the past two days is done. Finished it this afternoon with my group members. We compiled the micrograph pictures of plant cells together, labelled it and answered the questions ...phew…one practical report done. Still have another practical report ( plant morphology) due for next Tuesday. Not to mention the possibility of an impromptu test tomorrow and management second test on Sunday. Busy like hell. Sigh. There will be another practical (plant anatomy) tomorrow and I’m sure I’ll be loaded with another gruelling report to do. Anyways, my day was not bad, hehhe .. overslept this morning and was absent for the 8 am lecture . Couldn’t help it…hehehe…Had two more lectures for the day…hmmm…feel so sien to attend lecture. Surprisingly, time past like nobody’s business. I felt like I just sat down for awhile to listen to the first lecture on plant kingdom and the next thing I know, it was time to move on to another lecture. The latter lecture was far more interesting as we were grouped in the previous lecture to do a presentation on the uses of weeds. The first group representative was very good in presenting the facts that they collected. The rest was juz ok and there was one who juz show the slides without talking much. Boring! Hahah… my group representative was ok. At the end of the lecture it was already twelve pm and my stomach was starting to rumble. Coincidentally today is my coursemate’s birthday . so, we had planned earlier to surprise her today for lunch. We went to Mc Donalds to celebrate her birthday. The three of us, ( me, Sze Li and Rachel{birthday girl}) began walking to Mc Donald. After reaching there..we did not order our food straight away. We had to wait for three more coursemates. Two were attending tutorial while the other one went to buy the birthday cake. Hehehe … the birthday girl was not expecting a cake so she was surprised to see the coursemate who was in charge of buying the cake, brought the cake to her after fifteen minutes upon arriving at Mc Donalds. We waited for another ten minutes more for the other two coursemate to arrive. When they arrive we went to order our food and I paid for the birthday girl’s share first. ( later collect money from others). After getting the tomato and chilli sauce, we dig into our food to fill our rumbling stomachs. Then we got the cake ready for candle blowing...
.BUT… one of my coursemate said, “Eh ,we forget to bring matches or lighter leh…” Another said “hmm .. don’t know whether they ( mc donalds) have lighter or not ?”…after pondering what to do for awhile , Sze Li ( my housemate also) said why don’t we ask the other patrons. So, she got up and ask a couple sitting behind us whether they have lighter or not. Luckily for us, he had one and we borrowed it to light the candles.

Hehehe….…. After lighting the candles, we sang happy birthday to Rachel and she made a wish before blowing the candles.

I had to use my handphone camera to take the birthday pictures as Sze Li forgot to bring her digital camera despite me reminding her in the morning before going for lectures.Blur!! Not enough sleep I guess.. hahha. Well.. that is all for today. Happy 21st Birthday, Rachel. May all your wishes come true! Hehhehe…p/s: You can vote liao!Hahhaha….Cheerios!Aurevoir!
.BUT… one of my coursemate said, “Eh ,we forget to bring matches or lighter leh…” Another said “hmm .. don’t know whether they ( mc donalds) have lighter or not ?”…after pondering what to do for awhile , Sze Li ( my housemate also) said why don’t we ask the other patrons. So, she got up and ask a couple sitting behind us whether they have lighter or not. Luckily for us, he had one and we borrowed it to light the candles.

Hehehe….…. After lighting the candles, we sang happy birthday to Rachel and she made a wish before blowing the candles.

I had to use my handphone camera to take the birthday pictures as Sze Li forgot to bring her digital camera despite me reminding her in the morning before going for lectures.Blur!! Not enough sleep I guess.. hahha. Well.. that is all for today. Happy 21st Birthday, Rachel. May all your wishes come true! Hehhehe…p/s: You can vote liao!Hahhaha….Cheerios!Aurevoir!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Just another day.
Today is just like every other day...for me that is...For ppl in USA, it is actually the fourth anniversary of those who died because of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre. May you all rest in peace! Anyways, back to my blogging.... Woke up this morning around nine something. Dragged myself up actually...wanted to sleep til noon but the amount of piling hw dettered me.So, i went on with my daily routine of showering, washing and hanging clothes,having breakfast consisting of a cup of nescafe with toast bread and a banana. Then I'm off to continuing my assignments. Like yesterday, i sat by my desk facing the laptop, patiently browsing through the web searching for plant cell pictures for my group report. Yes,the report is not finish yet. Neverending...HAHa...After an hour and half I got restless and started to fidget around. Couldn’t sit still so I left the laptop on and went downstairs to see what my coursemate(who coincidentally is my housemate also)doing. She was cooking porridge for brunch and asked me whether I wanted a share. I said ok and after she finished cooking she passed me a bowl of the porridge. I sat down by the table and atebit slowly.In the porridge was a combination of fishball, crabstick, carrots, cabbage and anchovies including some Chinese parseley. Heheh odd combination eh. Well the porridge I cooked had the same contents also except I used spinach instead of cabbage. Sometimes I even add tuna flakes into the porridge. After that, the feeling of restlessness had settled abit and I went on with my work. However after two hours, drowsiness began to set in so i decided to have a nap. Didn’t sleep straight away though. Studied the balance pages of chapter 1 on the course of weeds.ZZzz...!Fell asleep without even realising it. After an hour I woke up feeling refreshed. Went downstairs to make a cup of tea.Ate some biscuits and a banana. Resumed my work until around six pm and stopped again for dinner. Went to a mamak restaurant nearby with my coursemate to have dinner. We ordered a set of plain roti nan with tandoori chicken to share.(To try it out actually!)Then she ordered two roti canai while I ordered nasi goreng paprika.The roti nan was not bad but my nasi paprik gravy was very salty. After dinner we went to the shops to buy some things b4 going back to apartment. Around ten minutes to eight I went to the ground floor of the apartment with my other housemates to pool area for a swim. My coursemate did not join us as she wanted to finish printing the pics we searched the past two days for the practical report. Swimming around for about forty minutes made me feel relaxed and less stressed. When I got back, my coursemate was having problem with her pc in printing the pics. Luckily my laptop had the cable port for the her type of old printer. So she used my laptop while I went to take my shower. After showering, I helped her out with the printing and we chatted for awhile, discussing the places to give another coursemate a surprise birthday lunch tomorrow. Then when the printing had finished I connected back the internet cable and here I am typing my very long blog for today. Heheh. Well I’m tired now and would like to resume my studiying; so that’s all for now. Til tomorrow then. Aurevoir!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Introduction! last I've decided 2 start my own blog. I was chatting with Midori d other day and she said i should start my own blog. Told her I might day... hahah... Well I was really busy with my hw & practicals, I did not give it a second thought. What made me decided to start it?... STRESS!!! With d neverending pilling hw & test which i've yet 2 study coming made me gave d second thought a chance. Hopefully i'll feel better & less stress out after blogging! Still i've have to get back to surfing the web, looking at pictures & pictures & pictures of plant anatomy .... 4 my practical report which is due next Tuesday. I've got a test on that day too and the subject is bout weeds. Ive only studied the first chapter a few pages only. Got another test the coming Sunday bout Management. At least I've seven days more to plough through 145 pages which is 5 chapters before taking the test. I've got a batch of herbarium identification undone yet. Need to stitch the dried plants to the drawing block b4 bringing it to the lab for identification. AND...another practical drawings of flowers for d subject plant kingdom which until now i still can't find the floral diagrams i need and it's making me damn frustrated. I've have to search the diagrams from a book which is written in german and i can't read it. Just looking at the diagrams and putting the two together. I think that's all for the moment. Don't know what to write some more hahah.Maybe later after going to pasar malam now i'll post another blog or maybe tommorrow. Cheerios! Aurevoir!
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