Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Chaud et Pluvieux Mecredi!

The weather today is hot the whole morning, rainy in the afternoon and humid in the evening! Weird and unexpected… Well, this morning went to take picture for the new matrix card. Compulsory for everyone except the juniors as they are using the new matrix card already. Why change a new one when the old one can use? I’m not sure either. Only heard rumours that they are going to set an automatic scanning post at the campus gate that requires identification in the matrix card from students or staffs before entering the university compound. Zut difficile! Luckily the people who are in charge of processing the new matrix card are very efficient and the whole process only took ten minutes. After that, I went for my French class at the language centre. In today’s class we were divided in groups of three or four and were given a situation. We were assign to do a dialogue between two friends on the telephone where one will invite the other for an outing or other activities and then the second is to introduce another foreign friend who is visiting Malaysia and being brought along to the outing. It wasn’t easy to figure out what to say but it was kinda fun.. hehehhe.. Anyways, I went back to the apartment and had my lunch before attending to my chores. Mecredi is my duty day. So, I boiled water, threw the rubbish and swept the floor. As I was sweeping my room halfway, one room mate came in and said that she wanted to sweep the room today too as it was dusty and hairs were all over the place but I was already doing the task. So, she mopped the floor instead while I went on to do my practical report drawings. This time the drawings are on fruits and vegetables. Hahha… better than drawing flowers as they are much easier to draw. Then it started to rain heavily for awhile and it was so nice and cooling….enticing me to sleep. Hahaha… I didn’t sleep though, instead I went to take a shower before going to my faculty to attend lecture. I went there early cause I needed to go to the computer lab to save an practical assignment module into diskette. Went for lecture after that and when it finished my stomach was already growling, so hurried back to buy chup fan and ate it while watching the six o’clock Chinese show. After the show ended, I went to my room and here I am blogging while listening to music and doing my practical report drawings! Alors, je dois continuer mon travail me cause maintenant plus tard veuxĂ©tudier pour un essai qui a lieu le prochain Lundi. A bientot!